SWDSI 2025 Annual Meeting
SWDSI President’s Message
SWDSI is here to welcome you. If you participate in our region, thank you and we hope you find these pages informative. If you are new to the region, take a few minutes and get to know us.
SWDSI conducts our annual meeting in conjunction with the Federation of Business Disciplines. Our 2024 SWDSI Conference was certainly one to remember in Galveston. It was good to see many of our colleagues in person. I think our conference provides a great value for everyone who attends.
The Call for Papers is open and we encourage your submissions. If you would like to help or have any suggestions please contact our Program Chair, Dr. M. Kabir Hassan (mhassan@uno.edu) directly. Please make plans on joining us in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
If you are new to the region or at a university or a community college that does not normally attend SWDSI, please consider joining us in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We encourage students at all levels to join us in a supportive environment to present and discuss your research. PhD students also are encouraged to participate in the Doctoral Student Consortium.
It is my privilege to serve as SWDSI president and an honor to join a long line of great individuals. Our mission is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, provide teaching and professional development, and provide information to improve classroom instruction, which I believe we do very well.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me kboonme@twu.edu, or any of our officers if you have questions about our chapter or the 2025 conference.
Kittipong (Ken) Boome, Texas Woman’s University
SWDSI President 2024-2025